Basis-verteltraining Godly Play

De 3e dag van de training is op 1 juni. De basis-verteltraining is een driedaagse training. De training is de officiële basis-verteltraining voor iedereen die Godly Play verhalen wil gaan vertellen. De training heeft drie sporen: * de achtergrond van Godly Play,* de ervaring van vier genres binnen Godly Play: heilige verhalen,…

€395 – €750

Training for trainers Godly Play

Accredited course for trainers Godly Play for participants who have successfully completed the assignment and have been nominated by the Godly Play foundation/team of trainers of their home country The accredited course will take place at  Kapucijnenklooster Meerseldreef, Dreef 38, 2328 Hoogstraten, Belgium Sunday July 7th – Friday July 12th 2024 Godly…

Koop Tickets €1.175,00 12 tickets beschikbaar