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Training for trainers Godly Play

7 juli 2024 14:00 12 juli 2024 15:30

Accredited course for trainers Godly Play

for participants who have successfully completed the assignment and have been nominated by the Godly Play foundation/team of trainers of their home country

The accredited course will take place at 

Kapucijnenklooster Meerseldreef, Dreef 38, 2328 Hoogstraten, Belgium

Sunday July 7th – Friday July 12th 2024

Godly Play is both an imaginative approach to religious education, and a kind of spiritual direction with all ages. Training and supporting others in Godly Play is therefore a form of vocation, so becoming a Godly Play Trainer is an extended discernment process.

The structure of the application process is designed to help with this – giving you time to get ready, to seek support and give time to making personal responses to this invitation. The discernment process will continue during the course, and perhaps goes on for ever!

For Whom?

The participant of this training has been recommended as someone with the potential to become an accredited Godly Play trainer. There application is read and they are offered a place on this course. There preparation is going on with this course.

Goals of the Training for Trainer Process

To accredit well-suited people as Godly Play Trainers through an extended period of discernment and learning, and equip them to lead training for new Godly Play practitioners and to take responsibility for the advancement of Godly Play and childhood spirituality regionally and nationally.

 Aims of the Training for Trainer Process

  • To help discern your strengths and areas to develop as a Godly Play Trainer
  • To examine the call to ministry that this role represents
  • To develop proficiency in the skills and knowledge required of a Godly Play Trainer.
  • To build your skills and confidence to lead Godly Play training events
  • To develop collegial relationships, understanding the collaborative requirements with regards to national and international Godly Play policies and practice.
  • To identify how you might specifically contribute to the needs of Godly Play in your country/area and Godly Play worldwide.

Locatie: Kapucijnenklooster Meerseldreef, Dreef 38, 2328 Hoogstraten, Belgium


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